Returning Forest Family who are a part of the Electric Forest Loyalty Program can plan ahead by confirming their permanent Loyalty ID and registering their 2024 Wristband Download the Electric Forest Mobile App to get started!
10 in The Forest enshrinement recognizes the most seasoned Forest Family as they achieve the monumental milestone of having spent 10 years in Rothbury.
A dedicated grove of ten native Michigan trees will be planted along the East side of the Observatory inside The Forest. This grove will be tended and brought to maturity by a year-round team of arborists to ensure its healthy growth and establishment.
Additionally, those who reach 10 in The Forest status will now have their names engraved onto a piece of Forest history and forever enshrined within Sherwood Forest.
Stay tuned for details on this year's 6 in The Forest Celebration, a private party exclusively for Forest Family with a Loyalty Tier of 6 in The Forest and above.
Just flash a 6 in The Forest, 7 in The Forest, 8 in the Forest, 9 in The Forest or 10 in The Forest Loyalty Pin to get in - with a plus one!
Past 6 in The Forest Celebrations have featured performances from Peekaboo (2023). GRiZ & Big Gigantic (2022), Paper Diamond & Friends (2019) and others.
All Forest Family with a Loyalty Pin may use a dedicated Loyalty entry lane into the festival venue at the Main Gate from the GA Campgrounds.
Loyalty Pins are delivered to those with a Loyalty Tier of 4 in The Forest and above.
Wristband Registration is the only way to qualify for and continue forward in the Electric Forest Loyalty Program.
Loyalty Tiers are tracked year over year based on the email address and / or Loyalty ID used for Wristband Registration.
Always register using your Loyalty ID. The email used to register a Wristband can be different from the purchasing email. As long as Wristbands are always registered using the same Loyalty ID & Email Addresses, Electric Forest Loyalty status can be tracked.
Wristbands can only be registered once, and should be registered with…
If you have no Loyalty ID and are registering an Electric Forest Wristband for the very first time, use the email address you want associated with your Electric Forest Loyalty Account in the future and a Loyalty ID will be assigned before the 2025 On Sale.
Before you head to The Forest, register your Wristband! You can do this in the Electric Forest Mobile App.
If you have trouble registering your Wristband, or do not have it delivered, stop by the Box Office as you arrive. The team there will be able to register your Wristband for you. Once the event is over you will no longer be able to register your Wristband.
Loyalty Tiers and Benefits will be locked to each account, and as such, Benefits (including discounts or guaranteed Wristbands) can not be traded, loaned out, shared or given away.
Your Loyalty Tier never goes away, even if you take a year off. Those who registered a Wristband for the previous year’s Festival will be awarded GA or Good Life Loyalty depending on their previous year’s Wristband Type. Those who have registered a Wristband in four or more previous years will be awarded status based on years attended. While your Loyalty Tier is not impacted by missing a year, not attending the previous year will not allow you to take part in the Loyalty On Sale unless you are 4 through 10 in The Forest.
Once you reach 4 in The Forest Loyalty Status you will retain that status for life. Each year, regardless of whether you attended the previous year, you will receive a 4 in The Forest Loyalty Code and access to the Loyalty On Sale. This continues when you reach 5 in The Forest and onward. Because of this it is imperative that you use the same permanent, non-work and non-school, email account to register your Wristbands. Failure to do so is difficult to correct, and could result in not receiving your Loyalty benefits.
Reach out to with any questions, queries or concerns.